To agree example sentences

Major WTO agreements are discussed below: Agreements Forming Part of GATT: The erstwhile General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) after its substantial modification in 1994 (effected as part of the Uruguay Round of negotiations) is very much part of the WTO agreements.As against GATT which covered only rules relating to trade in goods, the WTO agreements cover trade in goods, services as well as intellectual property.That is, both parties have to agree to sell and buy each others commodities.On 16 October 1917, Lenin persuaded the Petrograd Soviet and the Bolshevik Party to agree to a socialist seizure of power.This difference will be temporarily put to suspense account and trial balance will be made to agree in the ledger.It is a tendency of the subject to agree with items/questions irrespective of their contents.They were severely punished, and since the issue did not die down, in 1856 the Company passed a new law which stated that every new person who took up employment in the Company's army had to agree to serve overseas if required.India had no alternative but to agree to the proposal.

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